Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Anthropometrics lab

Anthropometrics lab

Q Objectives: • To evaluate anthropometric measurements using health measurement assessment tools. Procedure: • Use the body assessment tools located throughout the lab to assess various metrics of your health and body shape. Results/Questions: 1. Compare and contrast Body composition with Body Mass Index (BMI): 2. Definition of anthropometric measurements:3. What are these measurements used for?4. What is THE most important element of the first anthropometric measurements taken on an individual: 5. Weight/Weight Scale: ( no shoes )

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1/.BMI only evaluates and individuals’ height and weight Body Composition evaluates the breakdown of fat and fat mass 2.Physical measurements of body size and composition 3.These are used to estimate total body fat, as well as fat distribution 4.Weight 5.Wt. in kg = lbs. / 2.2 Ht. in METERS = inches X 0.0254 INCHES to cm = inches x 2.54 Your Ht. in inches: __66____in Your Ht. in cm: __167.64_____cm Your Wt. in lbs.: _196_____in. Your Wt. in kg: __88______kg